Femme Fatale Ball at Zouk was fun!
I had fun dressing up as Britney and I'm sure the others are too.
Last minute shopping spree, I'm so proud of myself that I manage pull off the whole outfit with only 3 hours in hand.
Kudos to me :)
So yes, there were giving out Radiance by Britney perfume, Sony Erricson Yendo and other merchandise, gym membership and CDs by Sony as gifts for those who participate in the mini contest.
The grand prize (best dress) for the event is...
Two tickets to see Britney Live in her upcoming tour.
So here is my last minute outfit

Trying to copy these outfit. LOL
But failed to win anything other than a Backstreet Boys CD and Sony Erricson's merchandise.

And guess who won?
Yay! She gets to live the dream!

Just want to thank my incredible army of supporters all over the world for embracing Femme Fatale. You are my everything. -Brit
And you are our everything too
P/S: But the DJ for that night sucks. He played Bieber's song. It should be Britney bitch!